More than half of all internet traffic now comes from mobile devices. Organizations and marketers routinely take advantage of QR codes to publish mobile targeted content.
QR codes have crept into most offline publishing spaces – magazines, news print, posters, packaging, flyers and other advertisements. They send users to a specific website or App store, video download, PDF file or images. They can send an e-mail or text message, transfer documents or even whole business cards.
However, the full potential of the QR code is seldom reached. By adding a unique tracking code, you can even analyze the results by location or language. This can supply marketers with useful information to aid with deployment decisions. QR codes can even be fully integrated into product packaging in such as way as to report back with usage stats or product picks that would otherwise be impossible to analyze in real-time.
The value of a URL shortener for bar or QR Codes has to do with density. The given URL is programmed within black modules that comprise a QR Code. A longer URL results in a thicker QR code and is more difficult to decode with a reader. A smaller QR Code represents fewer black modules and an easier, faster scan.
When you activate the short URL inside a QR code, it redirects you to the long web address and relevant web page is displayed. Many URLs are excessively long, including domains, sub-domains, query strings or dynamic parameters so it certainly can be helpful to shorten the link. A URL shortening service such as Tinycc is useful for social media services like Twitter where the number of characters matters. Short URLs can also be suitable for:
- Handling web addresses over the phone.
- Printed matter, such as flyers or brochures (in particular for the generation of QR codes, as shorter URLs require a lower resolution).
- The release of web addresses in emails: Long web addresses are often unusable by line breaks.
- The use of micro-blogging services (e.g. Twitter), which generally allows only 140 characters per post.
- Mobile devices with small screens.
Tinycc has opened the URL shortening horizon, introducing the possibility of generating a QR Code, or a graphic matrix that can be printed and read by various software, apps and professional QR Code readers. To generate a QR Code from a newly made Tiny URL – click Get QR on the home page (Recent URLs) or alternately, append /qr to any previously made tinycc URL. Tiny QR Codes are dynamic, meaning you can change the QR landing page any time after the QR Code has been printed or distributed simply by editing of the destination URL from your tinycc account.