How to setup a twitter account for small businesses

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How to setup a twitter account for small businesses

Some time ago, Twitter used to be the second biggest Social Media platform but now websites or apps like Instagram or WhatsApp have taken its place. Does that mean Small bu ...

Some time ago, Twitter used to be the second biggest Social Media platform but now websites or apps like Instagram or WhatsApp have taken its place. Does that mean Small businesses can ignore Twitter and focus entirely on Facebook or Instagram? No, Absolutely Not. Twitt ...

7 Common social media mistakes that hurt most small businesses

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7 Common social media mistakes that hurt most small businesses

We recently did a couple of studies on how Startups and B2B companies are using social media. It seems that majority of businesses are starting to acknowledge the power of ...

We recently did a couple of studies on how Startups and B2B companies are using social media. It seems that majority of businesses are starting to acknowledge the power of Social Media. We found that most businesses have an account on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Ho ...

Why Small Businesses Are Terrible At Social Media?

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Why Small Businesses Are Terrible At Social Media?

An increasing number of small businesses are embracing Social Media but most of them are doing it wrong. In a recent survey conducted by Simply Measured, it was found that ...

An increasing number of small businesses are embracing Social Media but most of them are doing it wrong. In a recent survey conducted by Simply Measured, it was found that more than 60% of small businesses didn’t get or wasn’t able to measure the ROI of Social Media marke ...

23 Important Social Media Rules You Should Always Apply

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23 Important Social Media Rules You Should Always Apply

Effective social media marketing is no straightforward process. Over time and through a lot of trial and error we have realised that there are a few major rules that always seem ...

Effective social media marketing is no straightforward process. Over time and through a lot of trial and error we have realised that there are a few major rules that always seem to apply. We’d like to save you the blood sweat and tears we paid with to learn these rules, so we ...

Your Neglected Social Media Profiles are Hurting your Business

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Your Neglected Social Media Profiles are Hurting your Business

Are you a startup or small business owner? Do you want to get the word out about your business? Do you want to increase your sales and find new sales prospects? Do you ...

Are you a startup or small business owner? Do you want to get the word out about your business? Do you want to increase your sales and find new sales prospects? Do you want to know more about your target customers? Interact with them, build relationships, and receive ...

Branded vs. Generic Shortening Domain: Which One is Best for Your Marketing Efforts

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Branded vs. Generic Shortening Domain: Which One is Best for Your Marketing Efforts

Many spammers are using the free, public URL shortening services. This has led to a conclusion that it is best not to share a short URL via email since it’s the method most spamm ...

Many spammers are using the free, public URL shortening services. This has led to a conclusion that it is best not to share a short URL via email since it’s the method most spammers use to link phish pages or malware. Not only that but you run the risk of being blocked by ...

Apple Launching a Social Media App & WhatsApp to Allow Business Advertisements?

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Apple Launching a Social Media App & WhatsApp to Allow Business Advertisements?

WhatsApp is gearing up to take businesses and advertisers on board. They will share users data and phone number with Facebook to provide relevant friend suggestions and ...

WhatsApp is gearing up to take businesses and advertisers on board. They will share users data and phone number with Facebook to provide relevant friend suggestions and advertisements (though users have an option to opt-out). Businesses will be ready to grab this oppo ...

The End of the Story